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The University Museum System originates and draws its identity from the Museum of Natural History of the University of Florence, of which it preserves the material and immaterial tradition, over four centuries long. The most ancient nucleus of the Museum is represented by the "Giardino dei Semplici", commissioned in 1545 by Cosimo I dei Medici.

Today there are three units that make up the Museum: Palazzo Nonfinito, with the ethno-anthropological and osteological collections, and the historical photographic archive; 'La Specola', with the anatomical waxes, the litho-mineralogical and the zoological collections; 'La Pira', with the geo-paleontological and botanical collections, and the Botanical Gardens.

Palazzo Nonfinito

Anthropology and Ethnology

via del Proconsolo 12, Firenze

La Pira

Botanical Garden "Giardino dei Semplici"

via Pier Antonio Micheli 3, Firenze

Geology and Paleontology

via Giorgio La Pira 4, Firenze


via Giorgio La Pira 4, Firenze | open for research purposes only

La Specola

via Romana 17, Firenze


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